Siderail Pads / Cushions
You need a multi-fit siderail pad for those patients that need a little extra protection, or to simply make a bed or stretcher more friendly. You want it to be secure, durable, and easy on the budget. You can have all that and more with the Marathon siderail pads.
Mental Health & Seclusion
You have special requirements in the Mental Health or Seclusion areas. We offer mattresses specifically developed
to assist with these high-risk patients that prevent the patient from accessing the foam core. For high security, select “Secure Tuff”.
Hide-a-bed / Rollaway Beds
You need a Durable hide-a-bed for family’s to support their loved ones. You want it to be comfortable, durable, and easy on the budget. You can have all that and more with theNAMC Rollawaymattress. The support family will truly enjoy the outstanding comfort.